Posted on May 9, 2011 by Terry Sidford
May 2011
“Unless your heart, your soul, and your whole being are behind every decision you make, the words from your mouth will be empty, and each action will be meaningless. Truth and confidence are the roots of happiness.” –Anonymous
What is the truth?
I was inspired to write about this because I use this as a guiding light for my clients and myself when faced with a difficult decision. I teach people to quiet their minds and be still, meditate, pray or just be in nature and listen. We can all access our truth to any question if we use this tool and learn to listen for the truth.
“You can bend it and twist it…
You can misuse and abuse it…
But God cannot change the Truth.â€Â
Michael Levy
For you, the truth could be God, inner wisdom, intuition, spirit, universal truth or laws of the universe. But remember…
The truth never lies.
The truth never changes.
It is consistent.
It will always be there.
The challenge is to know how to access it and to know it is always there for us.
I see my clients as creative, resourceful, and whole beings, not as individuals who need answers. As their coach, I ask powerful, thought-provoking questions that bring them back to their inner knowingness.
“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;
the point is to discover them.†Galileo Galilei
As a life coach, I act as a supportive presence. I am there to help my clients believe in their own innate abilities. I am there to help them keep going when they get stuck and to remind them they already have the answers, and the ability to find the answers.
“You never find yourself until you face the truth.” Pearl Bailey
Here is another quick tool you can use in your life to help differentiate what the truth is for you:
In any situation that you are questioning, ask yourself…
“What is the truth about this?â€Â
Listen to the answer. Then go within, be quiet, still and calm.
Ask one more question about your answers.
“Is this truth or fiction?â€Â
If you listen to your own inner knowingness, the correct answer will be revealed.
Try it out and let me know what you experience from using this tool.