Expand Your Potential With Clarity For The New Year
Posted on December 29, 2017 by Miriam Racquel 'Meryl' Feldman, One of Thousands of Relationship Coaches on Noomii.
A great technique for getting clarity and expanding your potential for Joy.
Clarity Conscious Tip
Dear Awesome Woman,
Potential is malleable. If you ever wake up with a bunch of worries swirling in your mind, take a moment to pour them out on paper. And then rip it up. Pour out. Then rip again. The writing doesn’t even have to be formed words. Just scribbles will do just fine.
Yes, you may have a lot of worries and a to-do list a mile long, but that intense swirling doesn’t help you get the things done nor fix the problems. It just drains your precious energy.
Try this pouring out/writing/ripping technique and then breathe deeply. With all that mind swirling gone, there is space, clarity and expansiveness. You have just opened yourself up to wonderful new potentials and possibilities.
If you’re feeling the need for even more clarity, schedule your free Clarity Call. I’m happy to help you experience greater health, clarity and joy for the coming New Year.