12 Tips to Make Your Coaching Blog Really Stand Out
This is a guest blog post written by Ayisha Amatullah. Want to contribute? Check out the 2016 publishing calendar.
Blogging can seem like an overwhelming task for some coaches, as they aren’t sure what to write or where to start. Some don’t like to write; others think it’s a waste of time. And then there are those that simply feel like they don’t have the time. Whatever your reason, the fact is, writing a blog is very important for coaches who want to establish themselves in the industry.
It can be a very effective communication tool and a way to enhance credibility and trust among clients and potential clients. It’s one of the most effective ways to establish yourself as an expert within your niche. Blogging is also a way for potential clients to locate you on the internet.
Some key things should be put into place to make your blog work for you, instead of you working for it. In this article I will explain why you need to know your audience and understand who you are writing for, how to pick buzz-worthy topics and help sharpen your ability to easily create quality content. Once you’ve learned and incorporated these things, blogging will become an exciting part of your marketing plan.
1.Write for your ideal clients
Know who your ideal client is and write content that solves their problems or fills their needs. The best way to do this is to hone in on a niche and find out what problems your ideal clients have. Here are some things you can do:
Think about the problems your clients typically have. Write them down.
Think of the key terms your ideal client may type into the search engine to find help with their problem. Write them down.
Visit communities, groups and forums within your niche and look at what questions they being asked. Write the questions down.
Ask current clients what they would like to learn more about. Write the ideas down.
Once you have done this, you will have a good understanding of the problems your clients are having and it'll be easy for you to come up with blog topics that resonate with your ideal clients. If you’ve written them well and they help solve the client’s problem, they will keep readers coming back for more.
2. Write evergreen content
This means content that will remain relevant no matter how old it becomes because it isn’t based on current statistics, trends or news. You should create content that continues to be relevant long past its publication date. Therefore, you are able to recycle it and promote it again in the future and likely have the same amount of success with it. Some examples of evergreen content include how-tos, top tips, lists, beginner guides, answer questions, definitions, best practice, etc.
3. Share self-help coaching techniques
Share a coaching technique that anyone can use on their own to help them solve a problem. Give them some coaching tips and other opportunities related to your coaching business. This will increase the awareness of you and your coaching business. The more you do this, the more it will make you an authority in your niche.
4. Share success stories
You can also share client case studies and stories (with their permission) to show how you have successfully helped past clients with their problems. Not only will this highlight the experience you have as a coach and establish you as an expert in your niche, it can translate to more coaching clients for you. If the content resonates with readers, they are a lot more likely to hire you, especially if they are already actively looking for a coach. It’s also important to collect and post your client testimonials, as doing this will also let them know the value of what you are offering.
5. Visit other blog sites for ideas and inspiration
Check out other blogs related to your niche and browse through some of the articles to see what others are writing about. If possible, search the most popular posts to see what readers are interested in. On that note, don’t dismiss the less popular ones as they may inspire new topic ideas where your writing and expertise add value.
6. Encourage and embrace comments
Encourage your readers to write comments and suggestions at the end of every post. Their comments and feedback will be helpful in getting ideas of what to write. You can also check out comments in blog sites related to your niche. This is one of the best ways to find a topic to write about.
7. Check out the news
Even though your coaching services and blog are not often related to news or current events, there may be something in a news story that will prompt you to write. Even if the topics only has a small relation to your coaching business and what you are blogging about, keeping up with current events and social trends will offer inspiration and keep you informed. On the other hand, news that is directly related to your coaching will come up from time to time, so keep an eye out for trending topics related to your niche. A great, simple way to do this is to personalize your Google News feed to include keywords that relate to your coaching.
8. Invite guest blog posts
Consider inviting guests to post content on your site. Preferably someone who is not in direct competition with you. You should also reach out to influencers and ask them to write for your blog. Doing this will help you get more readers and your targeted audience to visit your site and subscribe to your blog. It will also help you improve relationships with readers and influencers. Don't underestimate the power of networking.
9. Outline your blog post
Once you have gathered some ideas on what to write about, it’s time to pick a topic. I would also recommend you create an outline for your post, as it will make it much easier for you to write with guidelines.
Here’s a simple outline to use:
Pick your topic
Create a catchy headline. Headlines are what your readers will read first. They act like bait, meaning if your bait is good, they will bite
Write an introduction that outlines what your article will be about in a few sentences (make sure the first one really grabs the audience’s attention)
Write your content (breaking it up into subheads to make it easier to read)
Write a conclusion and a call to action
10. Add attention-grabbing images
Another great way to make your blog post stand out is to use attention-grabbing images with your website link written on it. Not only will the effective use of images improve the look of your blog, they can also help convey your message and add meaning to your article. What’s more, articles with attention-grabbing images are known to attract more readers on social media.
However, it is important to keep in mind that many online images are protected by copyright laws, meaning you can’t just take a photo off Google Images and put your trademark on it. To avoid this, you can opt to create your own images through websites like Canva, snap your own photos or search through various stock photo websites and find images you like.
11. Share your blog
Gaining exposure through various online communities is essential when growing your coaching business. Here are a few places to share your coach blog:
Share your blog in the same communities, groups and forums I spoke about earlier, but be sure to read the rules about posting
Post it on your Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn page
If you’re subscribed to services like Yelp and Noomii, post your articles there
Add social media sharing links on your blog posts so that others can share as well!
12. Stay connected
Strive to maintain a presence on your blog and be there when your readers have questions. Creating and nurturing the connection with your readers is important as it shows them you care about their input. Their feedback will also help you come up with great topic ideas for your blog in the future, which will likely translate into more satisfied readers as well as new clients.
Blogging has become the trend of today. It’s one of the best ways to build a relationship with your audience and establish yourself as an expert in your niche. Blogging has also become an excellent tool that most businesses use to get discovered online. By now you have should be able to strategize and come up with your next blog post. Which idea will you take to create your next blog post?
About Ayisha Amatullah
Ayisha Amatullah is the owner of Universal Coach Institute, The School of Coaching at Universal Life and Business Institute. She is a certified coach trainer, life coach and business coach to coaches. She teaches coaches how to get results, establish themselves as an expert, leverage from multiple streams of income within their businessas and create coaching products and programs. Connect with Ayisha through her website or Twitter.
Comments (4)
Charles Cummings about 7 years ago
Thank you for the great advice Ayisha! I'm going to start a coaching blog soon, where I hope to help people who are struggling with finding meaning and purpose in their careers. I've been there!
Charles Cummings about 7 years ago
I am wondering, how did you get your coaching certification? Do you recommend getting formal ICF certification? Thank you!
Ayisha Amatullah about 7 years ago
Hi Charles. You are welcome! I'm glad you benefited from this post. I went to a coach training school and received my certification. However, I have my own coach training school Universal Coach Institute. We are approved CCE providers for the ICF. I recommend accreditation from the ICF more importantly if you are an executive coach or plan to contract with organizations.
joel smith about 6 years ago
Business coach is someone who understand and mean business and can get you the desirable & tangible results in your balance sheet.Business coaching is the practice of hiring a person, or team, to come into your organization and help you work toward your goals. You meet with your coach and define what objectives your company needs to shoot for.To know more about this visit: https://www.annealbc.com/
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